
On my mind....Health matters

Today we took the baby to the eye doctor and yeaaaa....no ROP.  We are so excited we have to go back in six months to make sure her vision is okay but her retinas are in the right place so we count that as a blessing. That was my good news for the day. The bad news for the day I maybe a diabetic and my pottasium is low. It seems if it is not one thing it is another. So I just picked myself up and started working out. This is day six of my meatless challenge. For my workout today I did the yoga booty ballet cardio dvd. It was awesome it worked me out. Then in crazy family news. My brother called and asked me the craziest things ever he asked me to call his ex-fiance and as fer his clothes back.
Me: Ok tell me what happened again
Brother: she gave away something that was mine
Me: Was it something that could be bought again?
Brother: That is not the point the point it it was mine and you don't give away something that is mine
Me: You sound kinda childish get over it
Brother: I am not being childish, how would you like it if you were treated like a second rate citizen in your marriage
Me: You said a key word marriage not crazy, but sometimes you have to learn when to let things go

This went on for awhile until he cursed me out and I just hung up. But to sum up the whole situation.. my brother needs to grow up and learn how  to deal with situations like an adult. This happens every year or so he lives with a woman for a little while and then he leaves when he gets bored. Maybe one day he will learn before  he gets to old. I tell him everyday grow up no one likes a thirty year old man living in their moms basement.

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