
Recovery almost over

Taking a little time off . Had surgery on my hand so just now getting back to my old self. Plenty of deals . I hope everyone is ready for after Christmas sales.
Rite aid wellness points start over in January so if you are almost gold make sure to get your purchases in to save your 20% off in the next year. Also make sure Viggle is downloaded onto your phone so you can make watching tv pay off.
My instagram friends are saying no inserts this week but some great coupons in the parade.
Until next week Happy Couponing and Merry Christmas. I am off to look for a Google Chromebook for the hubby. Which is apparently sold out. I guess I picked the wrong time of the year to have surgery. Anyways I have also changed my vacation goal from Disney to the Bahamas. I apologize for the rambling its been a while. Until next year


New deal

It really is crazy. There is a great deal at Walgreens. Glucose meters are $9.99 and with the $10.00 off coupon free plus 5,000 reward points. I see all the couponers that follow being able to use this deal to donate meters for hurricane relief and to clinics in other countries. And I can't even find the coupon booklet in my area. And what is even worse is that I actually need a meter since my bloodwork came back and I am pre diabetic..well guess I will look for one in another city. If any one sees the diabetic care booklet please let me know

Thank Heaven for little miracles

I am so blessed. My daughter was born at 25 weeks and 6 days. She was considered a micropreemie because she weighed 1 lb and 7 oz. At birth . Today she went for her six month health check. I never would have thought I would have had a preemie. She is my world. I love her so much. Having her has made me slow down and appreciate things. I had to resign due to het health issues but I realize it was mire for me than for her. So I have taken a sabbatical from work. It has taken some getting used to, but it is worth it to learn she is progressing normally. She isn't doing everything like a six month old but she is doing most. She has a beautiful personality and it makes me smile when I call her and she smiles. She is my little miracle and I can't wait until she can tell,me all it seems she has locked up inside...


Saving money on Sunday dinner

So tonight I needed to save a little money. I had brought a California tip roast on special the other day it was $9.00 from $13.00. So I needed to come up with an awesome dinner. I came up with Italian beef sandwiches and fries.
I didn't have any Italian dressing so I searched a couple blogs and found one. I made it with Italian seasoning, sugar, celery salt, pepper, apple cider vinegar, and olive oil. I didn't measure it out cause the one I measured fell on the floor and I started another one. I put all this in my dutch oven with a pack of beefy onion soup mix , a beef bullion cube and a bay leaf. I put in enough water to cover the roast and let it simmer all day.
The next problem came when I needed hoagie rolls. So I pulled out the bread maker used 3 cups all purpose flour,  1 1/2 cups warm water, a tsp of sugar , a tsp of kosher salt, and a pack of active yeast. Let it go in the bread machine. Then when the dough cycle finished shaped them into loaves slashed the top and let it rise for 25 more minutes and then baked until brown.
I had a friend bring over some mozzarella cheese.
It was a cheap dinner but it was good. Only thing was it was just a bit salty if there was some lettuce or onions maybe it will not be as salty. But none the less it was good.

Also learn your stock up price

From other couponers I have learned that you have to determine your stock up price. My stock up price was $5.00 on a product that normally sells for $9.99. I also stocked up on rice that was on clearance for $3.99 and was normally 10.99. I also do not have a lot of things since I am new but I am learning. I follow fellow couponers on Instagram. They have amazing shopping trips. I aspire to be like them one day. But right now I grow my stockpile an item at a time. I shouldn't have to buy washing powder until maybe January or February. And dishwashing liquid until January. I should have to buy rice until sometime next year. So it is not about getting things for free all the time. It is about stocking up until the next sale.

Saving money on everyday purchases.

Make sure you have all the rewards cards at all the places you shop. Like at CVS you earn E.c.bs in products and at rite aid you earn up+ rewards. I have started stockpiling laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid due to these types if rewards. A couple months back rite aid had a sale where if you bought $20 of Gain or Cheer you got $7.00 in up+ rewards. The 33 load bottles were $5.00. I bought $40 worth got $14.00 in rewards. The next week I went back Tide pods were in sale for $4.99.  I bought a pack and some spice and my out if pocket total was .$.89. I had a coupon for a dollar off but they wouldnr let me use the coupon because then I would gave had overage. So it really does pay to find a good price and stock up. Now I don't have to buy laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid until the next sale cycle. With an infant at home every little bit helps.


Shopping at Kmart

When shopping at Kmart it is important to look at all the receipt type slips the cashier gives you. This important because you could be throwing away money. I once didn't look at them until a couple months ago when I started following different coupon blogs. This week pampers diapers were on sale for $9.99. It just so happened at the beginning of the month I bought a case of diapers and wipes. I got a $5 gift card and a coupon for $10.00 off my next purchase over $10.00. So on this trip I bought a water (.79), donated a dollar to St. Jude, and diapers (9.99). My out of pocket total was $1.86. Why you ask because I used the $10.00 coupon I recieved earlier in the month. So remember look at all those receipts, you could be losing money.


Mind your mouth

Yesterday I saw on Facebook where a young lady in my area was fired for expressing her views on the presidential election. One thing we need to remember is when we post in social medid we represent our friends, family, schools, churches , social organizations and employers or business. So remember yes we do have freedom of speech but there is a point. In this day it seems people post whatever is on their mind. But we have to remember we not only represent ourselves but others as well. And even though you go to work and are one way don't get on Facebook and tell a different story.
We are a Nation of people who all migrated here. And words that had power once before are now just common place words that are used to show ones ignorance rather than invoke hate. So even if your candidate didn't win or even if he did let's be civil. I also do not agree with all the photoshoped pictures of the President. Posting those pictures to me is the same as using negative words. He is the leader if our Nation not a rapper, and not a homie. The best picture was him hugging his wife, and the worse all the photoshoped pictures of his face on various rap stars bodies.


One more thing

I have one more thing to say. Don't blame one person. Look at yourself first. When you see someone who needs help or you know a friend in a difficult situation. Do you offer to help? No most people will take out their phone and take a picture, write it as a status, or simply ignore it all together. It just needs to get back to old ways. When you held the door open for the person behind you, when a neighbor was hungry or the rent needed to be paid someone had a rent party to help them. But now everyone is about self. And yes I do my part if I know a child needs school supplies I buy a pack of pencils or paper extra. When the stores have clearance sales I make sure to get as much as I can afford. It starts on person at a time. In order to make things work we need to take our neighborhoods and our families back. It takes on person to start to make a difference.

And another thing

Yes I am saying a lot today. This is my space and I am a little heat today. Also stop laying up with all these no good men. If the don't have a job why go to bed with them. It may sound harsh or cruel but if you met them and the didn't have a job, still live with their parent or coach surfing, and you give them money. Stop sleeping with them and if you do use some protection. You lay down with them then you get them locked up for child support. A child is not a meal ticket they are gifts. So just stop having kids to get more assistance. Then if you have a good man in your life marry him and stop playing house. Pay for your lifestyle and stop living off tax payers. I know it is hard I do it everyday. But I can say my husband and I did it. Yes I know I have horrible credit because I made bad decisions and I have no regrets about them. And it is because I have student loans and tried to help my parent. So I deal with it and I pay off my debts one at a time.


I have been on Facebook and other sites and see how people are saying " the lazy azz people are getting four more years of food stamps and welfare that I pay for". I can understand this statement I feel the same way. Why should I pay for someone who doesn't work that has more food in their house than I do, can afford an iPhone, iPad, mac book, and iPad when I can't, has gas in their cars when I don't, and their children can get dental surgery when mine can't. Yes I am pissed but what can you do about it. Here are my thoughts. Instead if buying the foodstamps make their behinds go work to get that two hundred dollar hair style. Instead of carting them off to the club or keeping their kids while they are off making more , make them keep they own,kids. Instead of going to the schools trying to fight teachers because they made your child do homework, help them with their homework and tell them to listen to school officials and stop having the mentality that no one can tell you how to raise a child. And instead of running off to every party you can, run to a soccer game, cheerleading competition or something the child wants to do instead. Instead of cursing your kids out give them a hug, play a board game, or just sit and talk.
Yes I have a lit of pent up anger because it is a shame when other parents make it hard for everyone else. Remember everyone on welfare isn't lazy, and some people have no choice. And while people can stand in line for Jordan's and iPhones. We should be standing in line to vote and to build community centers. Places where the family down the street can take their kids to play. But we can't because a few people cause those places to be lost. Then our kids have no where to go that is safe. We need our safety back. When neighbors would greet each other, when people helped each other, and when a child was outside the entire neighborhood was outside watching the kids while the parents talked.


Last night we elected our President to another term. Yes I said OUR. No matter who you voted for we are one Nation under GOD. So let's just stop with the he said this and didn't do this but let's all help one another. It is ridiculous when I think about it. When I was growing up you were afraid to do anything because you didn't want to get caught by your moms friend, your neighbor or church member. But now kids do anything in front of anybody. It rakes everybody to raise kids. Not just one family. I remember a time if a child was hungry they got fed by someone in the neighborhood. If you wanted to go outside you could and not be afraid of going out. Now you can't do that you have to watch your kids at all time. It is just crazy. So let's just remember this is our NATION not just one persons nation. Make sure to help your neighbor.


last straw

Today is the last straw. my husband has to upgrade his phone. He took the little baby to surgery as I stayed hoke with the medium babies. I have to they are teenagers and sometimes up to no good. so the hospital calls they are not there. Now I am worried, cause he cant be reached. I am stressed right now. We live an hour away from the hospital so he left early. This stresses me out. He may love his Blackberry. And he wants an Iphone but Tmobile does not sell the Iphone. So it goes either he joins Team Android or he gets an ordinary flip phone because rigjt now i could flip a car worrying about my baby. I worry about my husband also. So I worry about both of my hearts.