
Mind your mouth

Yesterday I saw on Facebook where a young lady in my area was fired for expressing her views on the presidential election. One thing we need to remember is when we post in social medid we represent our friends, family, schools, churches , social organizations and employers or business. So remember yes we do have freedom of speech but there is a point. In this day it seems people post whatever is on their mind. But we have to remember we not only represent ourselves but others as well. And even though you go to work and are one way don't get on Facebook and tell a different story.
We are a Nation of people who all migrated here. And words that had power once before are now just common place words that are used to show ones ignorance rather than invoke hate. So even if your candidate didn't win or even if he did let's be civil. I also do not agree with all the photoshoped pictures of the President. Posting those pictures to me is the same as using negative words. He is the leader if our Nation not a rapper, and not a homie. The best picture was him hugging his wife, and the worse all the photoshoped pictures of his face on various rap stars bodies.

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