
On my mind...I am officially old

Tonight I realized I am getting old. My teenager had her "boyfriend" over today for the first time. I feel so old. It is not a bad thing by any means it just shows that my baby is growing up. I thought it would be harder but now that I have the little baby it makes it alot easier.
It reminded me of how it was when I was her age and I spent time with my little boyfriend in high school. I remember how I was and I am thankful she doesnt keep a clean room so they are always in the common house areas.
On to other things I can't sit and talk about it forever. I tried a new wing recipe. I cleaned my chicken wing. Then I brined them in water,salt,sugar and molasses for a couple hours. Then I baked them, then fried them to crisp them up. After that I coated them in a sweet chili sauce, hot sauce and butter sauce and put them back in the oven. My family Saud the were still moist with a good but not overly hot heat. I would speak on the flavor, but unfortunately I can't eat meat now. It is so odd. I have cooked the last two days and only ate the vegetables. Maybe tomorrow when I make my good gravy post roast.

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