
On my mind...Job Hunting

This is crazy. I have got to find a job. It seems that though my husband makes okay money. He doesn't make great money. We make just enough that we don't qualify for assistance in our time of need. But it is cool though really it is. I don't lke handouts I like to work for what I have. So I have got to get out here and hit the pavement once again. I am not above working in a fast food place or any place. I will dig ditches whatever gets the job done. But I refuse to beg or be dishonest to get government assistance.
It is all based on your gross income which is okay. But the take home figure after taxes, health insurance, dental insurance is the scary number. We are apart of that forgotten class. We make enough to be considered middle class. But we bring home enough to be considered poor. You don't hear much about us because we can't we are sometimes to tired to complain. We make just enough to pay for our necessities, and our two luxury items phone and cable. We have the bare minimum in groceries. And any disposable income goes to pay our tithes or get a sandwich off the dollar menu.
This is not a government problem. It is my problem from making bad decisions in life and knowing how to manage my money. Next year will be different. I am not materialistic by no means. I just love to travel. So for now I am counting my pennies for an awesome summer vacation. And learning how to save money through all ways possible.

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