
On my mind.... Children

I am watching the Ricki Lake show and the topic is dangerous teen trends. The mom just said her daughter has an iPhone, an iPad, a mac computer, and whatever else she wants. And then she lives in the guest house and doesn't go to school because she does not like gym. Her mom also says I always wanted to be her friend. I am so sorry I refuse to be my daughters friend. Yes she hates me most of the time but she is my child. This may work for some but not for me. My child wants the world and I would love to give it to her. But what would this teach her about the real world. If my child kept her room clean, helped clean the house, and kept good grades I would get her some things. To me this shows her that if you work hard you are able to get the things that you want. I know I am saying a lot and I know my child is spoiled in done ways due to things that happened with her father and I but we are working through it.

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