
Song on my mind : Computer Love

I know for some you are now humming the lyrics. My husband was signing this song to the baby which is quite hilarious since he doesnt know the words. But now this song is stuck in myhead. Today I am getting all the laundry done. Right now I need break, I know I sound crazy but this is hard. I always dreamed of being a stay at home mom, but now that I am I am trying to find a wsy to get things under control. Since I have alwats worked there was always things that needed to be done, but now I have no choice I have to get them done.

So it seems this teenage drama in my house continues. She wants things and I refuse. I wish she would just get it together. Friday I bought three twelve packs of soda which is different for me. Because I hate to hear when you open a soda can. The noise just makes me crazy. So I dont buy soda cans. But I bought these on Friday and only one twelve pack is left. I told my daughter to put the sodas down and drink some water. She says well mom I have to drink the soda cause there is no water. I said there is plenty of water in there. She says where u dont see any. I said It comes out the faucet. Now I have stop biying bottled water since no one drinks water unless it has kool-aid or tea addef to it from the faucet.

So the song computer love reminded me of a time when bottled water was a gallon of wster in an empty milk container in tge refridgerator. Looks like we have to get back to basics.

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