
Technology part two

This  a continuation on the teenager. I told her i needed her room clean, the dishes washed andhet socks picked up out of the floor. She says ok I am about to start. Anyway just now I look at my bag and she has sat the mp3 on top. I guess this is her reminder for me to take it back to the store. But the dishes are unwashed, and she sits in her room watching a movie. I say things once and then I leave them alone. I told her yesterday that I do not do things she wants me to do if she can not do what I tell her to do. I am sorry I am not that parent who just does it because you want it now. I want the dishes washed. So I guess tonight I will have a depressed teenager st my house bevause she could not get her wsy. Oh well I guess she will learn one day you have to do some work in order to get payment.
The New Baby

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