
The beginning

Just a little bit about myself. I am a mother and a wife. I have two girls a 14 year old and my newest my five month old two month age adjusted preemie. I had my youngest at 25 weeks pregnant and she has been a fighter every since.She was in the hospital for almost 90 days. Those days were the hardest of my life. Everyday was a new day and you never knew if you were closer or farther from going home. As they say it really is a roller coaster. Many days I sat by her bedside helpless as she laid there hooked up to the machines and I cried. I cried because I felt it was all my fault. I just wanted to hold my baby. She fought and I prayed and we finally made it home. She was born May 2 when her due was August 9. Though that was the hardest time I have ever spent I would do it again for her. I love her so much. So I started this blog just to talk about things we are going to, things I an using, and how I am coping with a teenager and a newborn baby.

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