
A casual vegetarian

In order to speed up this weight loss i am becoming a casual vegetarian. I do't think i want to go full out vegetarian just yet since my family has told me they are meatatarians so when I try to sneak in a meatless dish it has to be super awesome so they don't obsess about the absence of meat. So last night i had a taco salad sans meat.  They had meat if course but i used vegetarian refried beans, and added black beans. I may have over done it since I am still full this morning. I was tempted to have my big baby watch the little one while i got my miles in but it was just a fleeting thought. Tonight i will just do my p90x cardio dvd to get a workout in today. Since the weather is right this morning for dinner today i am thinking of doing a nice big pot of meatball soup. A nice simple recipe with just a few ingredients and it gives me a way to hide the vegetables.
  Today is jyst going to be laundry day, and change collecting day. I had to scout out some newspaper machines that have bigger city newspapers. i am hoping they will still have the coupon inserts before I spend the money. I was walking through the grocery store and remember when my daughter was small she would pull out all the coupons but now i can't seem to find any. I just remembered today is farmers market day. I should venture out with the gurls and pick up a couple bushels of peas to freeze for the winter. But they are both sleeping so well.
 I feel as if I am rambling this mornung but i have so much on my mind. I remember when Saturdays was my sleeping in day. But now it is my finish the laundry and start my weekly to do list and prep dinner for the week depending on the number if appointments my little sugar momma has for the week. I have only been up two hours but it is still early so i guess i could tackle the laundry mound. And go to my favorite recipe site allrecipes.com. I visit the site almost everyday it gives me some good ideas and a good place to begin when I am stuck or wanting a certain taste. For some reason i always just take inspiration from the recipes cause sometimes i am way too lazy to go buy all the ingredients. So i guess i need to start looking since Thanksgiving is around the corner. For  a new simple recipe for thansgiving try candied butter nut squash. I tasted this at a civered dish event and attempted to mimic the flavors. i cut the butternut squash in half and clean out the seeds and strings. Spray it with some non stick and cover it so it wont dry outvand bake it at 350 until fork tender. then i take it let it cool. After it is cool i had a stick of butter, a cup and a half of brown sugar, a half cup of white sugar, one beaten egg, some vanilla, nutmeg, ginger, evaported milk or goats milk and a little flour. Pour in a buttered baking dish and then bake it gor about 30 to 40 mins. Then i top it with a brown sugar and peacan mix and pop it back in the oven until the sugar melts. It is so awsome the family thinks they are sweet potatoes. This is the one dish that is most requested well this one and butter chicken. Well now i am off to my kingdom of laundry.

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