
Beans and rice

okay this werk has been an okay week so far. i have had some pretty good recipe success and a recipe failure. lets start with the failure the chicken and corn casserole.It was awful so i will acratch it from the make again menu. the success of the week i found on allrecipes.com. it is called cherry bomb chicken. i had to modify it some because i am trying not to go to the store for any recipes. but it was delicious. the kids have asked for me to make it again. i follwed the recipe except i brined the chicken overnight since i do alit of my prep at night dince then my husband is home and i can get things done while he takes care of the baby. second i glazed the chicken with sauce added to the chili sauce. This was mainly to make it a little sweeter for the kids and control some if the heat. The recipe called for habernero peppers so just a little extra bittled sauce made it just sweet enough for them . The only thing i would do differently is make more, i only had one piece for dinner, we paired it with a nice salad and it was excellent.
In bargain news i found schieck razors at kmart for 5.99 then used the coupon from coupons.com which was 6.00 off when you buy two. So for two i paid like three dollars a piece. Well that is my sucesses for now i need to print flyers and check out coupons.com, and some more coupon sites to check for matchups. So far i love "couponlovingchicks" , southernsavers, and couponingwithgregthatdude". They give me alot of great matchup ideas, only problem is the CVS in my area is still under construction. So i am off to peruse the sites and find a recipe for sunday. Almost forgot for weight loss this week I took a two mile walk carrying the baby. She hates sitting in her carrier or the stroller right now, so I had to choose either push her in the stroller and end up carrying her while pushing the stroller or just carrying her in the sling. I chose the sling. So i got an extra workout.  This morning we have to take a rest day due to weather. I cant wait until I am able to take her to the gym. But I cant complain she is her and she has come along way and she is beautiful.

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