
Think I need to move

I go get the paper todaay and only one insert. I  bought two papers so now I have two inserts. I need to go collect some papers from some of the other cities maybe they have more than this local paper. i really am trying to get this coupon thing together. but i guess i just nerd to take one step at a time. I have decided this week to make a boston cream pie cake. I got the idea from another blog but i had to change the recipe because i didnt have all the ingredients. so it was just a little different and tried to jazz it up needless I jazzed it up too much. I tried to ice the cake before it cooled so all the icing ran off. I ran to the store and bought a cake for the bake sale and left the other cake at home. the cake was gone in two days so i guess it is a safe bet to use that cake this week. tonight i am going to attempt to prep for all my weekday meals. This week we are having pizza, chicken salad  , spaghetti, and i am still undecided so i guess i will check out a couple more blogs to get some inspiration. one blog i stumpled upon is mix and match mama I  love her quick and easy recipes, also coupon loving chicks and couponing with greg that dude. they have the best coupon match ups. Well i am off to find a recipe for pizza dough and a quick pizza sauce.

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